Paradigma Integrasi Ilmu Pengetahuan UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang


  • Abdul Muhyi



science, islamization of science, integration, religous


The study describes the integration of science by the tree of science model, the integration of science is a new scientific paradigm developed at Islamic University. Integration of science is expected to be an alternative to end the dichotomy of science which is pointed as one cause of the retreat of Islamic scientific civilization. The concept of science integration is expected to be used on study two clusters of science simultaneously under the auspices of the university. UIN Malang uses science tree as a metaphor of science integration paradigm, with this model UIN Malang looks strong in the level of integration of ontology science. Therefore, as far as the writer's understanding of existing data, the concepts and models of integration offered by the two universities are still less than perfect from the philosophical aspect. Meanwhile, in the discourse of Islamization, the methodology of integration science in the college is still categorized as the Islamization of science.


