Pengajaran Kosakata Bahasa Arab Bagi Anak-Anak Dengan Media Lagu


  • Erta Mahyudin Islamic University of Jakarta



vocabulary, songs, children, language skills


In the process of learning Arabic, students have difficulty in mastering Arabic vocabulary. Therefore teachers need to use an appropriate instructional media in conveying Arabic vocabulary to students. This research was conducted to describe the process, influence, and responses of students about the song media to the mastery of Arabic vocabulary. The results showed that the learning process of Arabic vocabulary 4, using the song media is better than using conventional learning model Students are highly motivated, happy, calm, and do not bored in the process of learning Arabic. moreover, the ability of vocabulay), mastery achieved by using the song media in learning Arabic is better when compared without use the medium of songs in learning Arabic. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of song media can improve students' vocabulary mastery in learning Arabic.


