مشكلات تعليم اللّغة العربية ومحاولة هيئة إشراف اللّغة فى حلولها

دراسة حالية بمعهد السّلام العصري سوقا بومي جاوى الغربية


  • Rizki Fauzi Yasin STIE YAPISHA Garut




problem, teaching Arabic language, supervisors


Arabic and English are well-known languages, both of which are international official communication languages. For Pondok Modern Assalam Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia is a crown because of its great benefits for the future of santri and santriwati to take part in life. TMI Pondok Modern Assalam Sukabumi pays great attention to the success of language teaching so that santri can master this language in everyday conversation. Therefore, both languages have become advantages and advantages possessed by Pondok Modern Assalam Sukabumi. And so it is with the phenomenon of Arabic learning is very appropriate and appropriate. However, there are still many problems in the process of achieving good Arabic learning value from the aspects of speaking, Logat (accent), Reading, Writing and Listening or listening.


